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AFM - Atomkraftmikroskopie
Atomic Force Microscope
Tip of AFM
Analytical - AFM
AFM of stepped surface of an Al2O3 wafer after O2 annealing
AFM of different SrTiO3 substrates after Ti - termination
AFM of an Al2O3 wafer with GaN layer and a deep defect
AFM of a GaN single crystal grown out of a GaN layer
AFM of a GaN crystal grownthrough a GaN layer
AFM ofa GaN layer with growth defects resulting out of scratches in the Al2O3 substrate
AFM of a GaN layer with a large defect resulting out of resin remains on the substrate
AFM of a scratch made by handcleaning on a Al2O3 substrate
AFM of BaTiO3 substrate with lamellas out of phase transition Stress